November 2018: Lutheran World Relief
Post date: Nov 05, 2018 5:54:36 PM
In 1945, World War II left an estimated one-fifth of the world’s Lutherans homeless. Here in the United States, Lutheran churches in at least 20 states mobilized to help in Europe through a new agency called Lutheran World Relief. Much has changed in nearly 75 years. But in thousands of congregations, in millions of offerings and in uncounted prayers, U.S. Lutherans continue to support Lutheran World Relief’s work.
Lutheran World Relief was there in the late 1940s, when 800,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes by the creation of the state of Israel … in the early 1950s when Hong Kong, Korea and Bangladesh and much of Asia was mired in strife … during the 1970s and ’80s, when civil wars and drought plagued Africa.
Today, Lutheran World Relief operates in East and West Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East, helping some of the world’s poorest communities build the resilience they need to thrive.